
    Upcoming Registration Events for Non-Transfer Students

    Choose a date to schedule an appointment with an admissions advisor and set up your fall schedule! If you are unable to attend on the dates listed below, please reach out to the admissions office at 518.562.4170.

    Transfer students will be contacted by the Academic Advising Office once their application is processed to set up appointments.

    Fast Track Appointments

    Fast Track Appointments are for students in any stage of their application. Need help completing your application or still need to do the placement evaluation? These days are perfect for you! Fast Track Appointments are on-campus only.
    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled


    Registration Appointments

    Registration Appointments are for students who are ready to pick out their classes. Students who have submitted all of their transcripts are ready for these appointments. Registration Appointments can be either on campus or online via Zoom.
    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled